March 11, 2008

Bill Maher - New Rules March 7 - John McCain is a Cyborg!

Bill spells it out for American voters who are morons that John McCain is a Cyborg! He missed two of the best examples though...
Hillary did not murder Vince Foster
OJ did it

New Rules Bill Maher Feb 29, Barack HUSSEIN Obama

Bill Maher takes on the sleazy Republicans and their fear and smear campaign of painting Obama as an unpatriotic turban wearing al Queda Muslim terrorist! He Bill, its what Republicans do, what else do they have?

New Rules Bill Maher John McCain is OLD! - Feb 22, 2008

Bill Maher hits McCain is Old hard... Reminds me of the 1996 bumper sticker which worked well.


February 16, 2008

New Rules with Bill Maher - Feb 15 2008

With his writers back Bill Maher sends out some zingers. And New Rules is back!

February 11, 2008

Bill Maher Monologue and Exit Poll - Feb 7, 2008

P.J. O'Rourke as a special guest seems to have had one too many something or others, but he made a salient point in a few simple words. He said he makes lots of speeches to lots of Republican organizations and corporations and they are not concerned with abortion or guns or religion or war, they are just very wealthy people who only want to get very much wealthier.

February 2, 2008

Real Time with Bill Maher Endorses Obama and Celebrity Politics feb 1, 2008

Oh no, not Wilfred Brimley!

January 26, 2008

Bill Maher - Jan 25, 2008 - Merle Haggard Interview

Great just for the first words Merle utters... "Hello friends and conservatives."

Bill Maher - Jan 25, 2008 - Oh My Nappy Hair

Conservative CNN reporter Amy Holmes brings a video of her interviews at an African American hair dressing salon. They all want Obama, but much to Amy's pain, none would ever vote for a Republican.

November 3, 2007

Bill Maher 11/2 - Socialized Medicine is Good!

Bill Maher says socialized medicine is good and if you don't think so, yer stupid or nuts.

October 27, 2007

New Rules Bill Maher 10/26 Burka Fashion Show, Dumbledore and FEAR

Bill Maher has a Burka fashion show, doesn't give two shits if Dumbledore is gay and expounds upon our nation of fear.

October 23, 2007

Fox CLown Sunday - 10/21 Bush, Kristol and World War III

The only thing keeping us from winning in Iraq is NOT going to war with Iran!
Shoot me please...

October 20, 2007

Bill Maher Gives his Audience an Ass Kicking!

911 Conspiracy loons heckle Bill Maher so much on his live show he has to run out into the audience and kick their ass.

Also on Kick! Making Politics Fun

New Rules with Bill Maher 10/19 - Family Values

Bill Maher does the Christian Family Values crowd. Hillary is more Christian than they are.

Also on Kick! Making Politics Fun

October 13, 2007

Bill Maher Does the Obama Flag Pin Label Issue

Bill Maher gets down on the Republican patriotic bullshit regarding Barack Obama's refusing to wear an American flag label pin as all good Republicans like Larry Craig do.

September 30, 2007

Fox Clown News Sunday - Newt Gingrich won't run - Schip - 9/30

Newt Gingrich pulls out of the race after he has sucked up everything he can by pretending to be in it. His so called solutions, discussions, workshops and new ideas are the same old extreme Right-wing ideas he has always held but with a new big lie that its all an honest non-partisan endeavor. Trent Lott explains why the GOP base is against insuring children and William Kristol explains that the Democrats are going to lose the White House because not only do they not back the war in Iraq enough but they also don't seem to want another war with Iran. That little NeoClown need headlock and on Hell of a Knuckle Rubbie. I cannot think of anyone who when I see them, makes more sick to my stomach than Little Billy Kristol.