October 27, 2007

New Rules Bill Maher 10/26 Burka Fashion Show, Dumbledore and FEAR

Bill Maher has a Burka fashion show, doesn't give two shits if Dumbledore is gay and expounds upon our nation of fear.


Anonymous said...

What is it with this incessant rant on global warming. Do you really think there is anything mankind can or will do? What if it is just the sun going through a more active cycle and we spend trillions of dollars for nothing. I can see being motivated to find alternate clean energy sources so we can stop being blackmailed into wars for oil but I think man made global warming is just another power grab made-up by government and quasi-govt entities to transfer money to their bank accounts.

Rack Jite said...

Kinda like those who KNOW men used to hunt dinosaurs 6000 years ago. Crazy ass beliefs trumps science. What's new?

Anonymous said...

That burqa fashion show was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Thanks for posting it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon, which Government made up power grab? GW has vetoed miles of legislation design to clean up the environment. Statistically, it is citizens who are driving the movement. And let's make believe the whole this is tripe, but do the work anyway. It's a win win situation. Your way? It's phoney, do nothing, and we find out it is happening as fast as the majority of scientists say it is. Lose lose. Thank you Bill Maher for being the one person on TV who speaks his mind.