September 30, 2007

Fox Clown News Sunday - Newt Gingrich won't run - Schip - 9/30

Newt Gingrich pulls out of the race after he has sucked up everything he can by pretending to be in it. His so called solutions, discussions, workshops and new ideas are the same old extreme Right-wing ideas he has always held but with a new big lie that its all an honest non-partisan endeavor. Trent Lott explains why the GOP base is against insuring children and William Kristol explains that the Democrats are going to lose the White House because not only do they not back the war in Iraq enough but they also don't seem to want another war with Iran. That little NeoClown need headlock and on Hell of a Knuckle Rubbie. I cannot think of anyone who when I see them, makes more sick to my stomach than Little Billy Kristol.


Anonymous said...

You should take down the moveon ad with ben & jerry guy. It's idiotic. It leaves out the biggest costs other than defense, Medicare, Social Security, Unemployment, and the interest on the debt. Almost $700 billion, about what we spend on defense, next year will be owed to ower creditors, the "federal" reserve which is a corporation run by elite bankers.

We should abolish the fed, and then that $700 billion, about the amount of the income tax, can allow us to cancel the income tax.

Then cancel social security, medicare, welfare, and you got a $1 trillion surplus every year.

He is trying to make it like socialism ISN'T the problem, that we don't spend anything on socialist ideas. But instead about 55% of our budget goes to social programs and another 20% to national debt. Big brother IS the problem.

Anonymous said...

I am not a fan of turning my country into Mad Max Thunderdome. Ron Paul is a racist, a bigot, a fundamentalist Christian, a rabid Pro Lifer, a gun lunatic and the top Right-wing moron running for President. He lives down the street btw, so I have had a good view of him and his crazyass crap for 25 years now...