September 9, 2007

Fox Clown Sunday - Sept 9th - al-Qaeda

Fox News Sunday at 8am (CST) is the first of the Sunday talking head shows. As it is the only one that is holy biased to the Right, it serves to define the conservative talking points for Right-wing radio and television hosts for the rest of the week. This weeks' talking point is that the war in Iraq is all about al-Qaeda, which the Republicans will protect us from both here and there. Al-Qaeda concerns less than 10% of the violence in Iraq.


Anonymous said...

I love the blog (and especially the redstate guys, but I'm just
wondering if you've seen those presumptively-fake
Giuliani videos on YouTube. They've been in Wonkette,
and ABC News. Here's the direct link:

My favorite is the one that links Fred Thompson to the
Larry Craig scandal, and pulls in poor Fred "Gopher"
Grandy, too. LMAO!

I think they'd be great for your Quickies.

keep it up!!.........chris.

Rack Jite said...

Thanx for the kind note! I like these specific little youtubes because once they present and you hit the menu the choices are all withing the same series...
I will check that out to see if it works as a series...